Surah rehman video with urdu translation
Surah rehman video with urdu translation

#Surah rehman video with urdu translation full

Listen recitation of Surah Rahman three times in a day in a lonely place with full concentration and attention. However, the Surah Rahman can be read in many wazifas, some of them are as below:

  • It can be a good wazifa for unmarried individuals.
  • This Surah helps to give strength and comfort to the eyes.
  • Surah Rahman cures for eye diseases it can help to sharpen your eyesight.
  • Surah Rahman recitation is very helpful to protection.
  • Surah Rahman is the prevention of a bad situation and also stops bad things happening in your life.
  • If you are suffering from diseases such as Depression, Cancer, Blood Pressure, Sugar, Hepatitis, then listening surah Rahman is very helpful. Recently proven by different doctors that listening surah Rahman is a remedy for cancer patients.
  • Surah Rahman suppresses the hypocrisy of your heart and also the purification of the heart.
  • The study empirically investigated the idea that Surah Rahman can help manage depression.
  • There are uncountable benefits of Surah Rahman.

    surah rehman video with urdu translation surah rehman video with urdu translation

    Verses 46-78, contrast, detail delight that awaits the pious heaven. Verses 31-45 explain the final judgment and the horrific punishment that will be inflicted upon sinners. Verses 1-30 expound upon creative power and natural display of Allah, mercy in showering those who impede the earth with a blessing. Thematically, surah Rahman can be divided into approximately three units. The most notable structural feature of Surah Rahman is the refrain "so, of which blessings of your Lord would you deny? There are ten blessings which Allah mentioned in Surah Ar-Rahman. The surahRahman is known as the "bride of the Quran." ' Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (R.A) reported that Muhammad (SAAW) said, "Everything has adornment, and the adornment of the Quran is Surah Ar-Rahman" (Bayhaqi in shuab al Eiman). The very first word and name of surah are " Ar-Rahman". Surah Rahman is the great surah of Quran Pak and is also called the beauty of the Quran.

    surah rehman video with urdu translation

    Ar-Rahman appears in the opening verse which every sura except sura 9 proceeds. The title of the surah Rahman appears in verse 1. The other name of the surah Rahman is "most Gracious" and "most beneficial."Rahman is the name of Allah which means gracious. Surah Rahman is the 55th surah of Quran Pak consists of 78 verses and three Rukus.

    Surah rehman video with urdu translation